Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Contentment Challenge

We have been in Florida now for 7 has been wonderful but it also has had some challenges. The Florida lifestyle is VERY different that what we are use to. It's slow-paced, laid back, and casual in every aspect. I feel like it's teaching Tommy and I to "slow down" and enjoy life around us. A lesson we both need to learn. 

This next month is going to be a very fun and exciting journey for me sweetest and dearest friend Nancy Ray did a "Contentment Challenge" back in March and it blew me away. It seriously touched my heart so deeply and gave me a longing for contentment in my own life in every way. She wrote the most beautiful blogpost about her purpose of the Contentment Challenge which you can read about here.

After several months of contemplating the Contentment Challenge I finally gained the courage to jump on board!  

Here are the guidelines (all taken from inspiration by Nancy Ray)

The Guidelines:
• For the next 2 days, your homework is the following: prepare your heart, organize your closet, and make any necessary purchases that you might need during these months. (This is not a last minute shopping spree! This is one final trip to the store for items you will need, and the opportunity for you to say your goodbyes to Target.) <-- Target is my weakness 
• Choose 1-3 inspiring books to read during this time.  (I will continue to read the 'Confident Woman Devotional' by Joyce Meyer but I'm not sure the other books I want to start reading yet, still praying about it)
• Necessities are okay! If you drop and break your phone, please go get a new one! If you lose your glasses, buy a new pair. Just don't start justifying new purchases for items that you already have. (This will really affect me with home purchases)
• Find a hobby that you have been longing to start but haven't yet, and start doing it. Mine will be paddleboarding!! I am so excited to begin!
I texted Nancy a while ago when she was doing the Contentment Challenge and asked what she was going to do with the money she saved - let's be honest, it could be A LOT...her response was "Do whatever you want with it! Give it away, save it, pray about what to do with it" - I seriously love her heart of gold. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do with my "blow money" (for all you Dave nerds out there like me). 
This new adventure will be hard, but I pray those around me will fill me with encouragement and hope to keep me going. My ultimate goal is to gain a sense of total Contentment in my life and grow closer to the Lord and be able to mirror Him better. 
I would appreciate your prayers and words of encouragement!! 

1 comment:

  1. Covering you in prayer, sweet make God "smile" you so much :)
